
2022年12月12日—...roadmapposts.Systemrequirements.SAPScreenPersonas3.0SP16worksonawidevarietyofsystemsfromthelatestSAPS/4HANAreleaseto ...,February9,2023ProductInformation.SAPScreenPersonasroadmapupdate2023February–focusonSAPS/4HANA...ScreenPersonasroadmapfortheirenterprise.,2021年12月1日—Aswelookforwardto2022,it'stimetoupdatetheroadmapforSAPScreenPersonas.OurgoalistohelpyouplanyourUXtransform...

SAP Screen Personas 3.0 SP16

2022年12月12日 — ... roadmap posts. System requirements. SAP Screen Personas 3.0 SP16 works on a wide variety of systems from the latest SAP S/4HANA release to ...

Blogs tagged roadmap

February 9, 2023 Product Information. SAP Screen Personas roadmap update 2023 February – focus on SAP S/4HANA ... Screen Personas roadmap for their enterprise.

SAP Screen Personas roadmap update December 2021

2021年12月1日 — As we look forward to 2022, it's time to update the roadmap for SAP Screen Personas. Our goal is to help you plan your UX transformation ...

SAP Screen Personas roadmap update 2022 July

2022年7月12日 — SAP Screen Personas roadmap update 2022 July – SAP S/4HANA-ready · Existing customers should build SAP Screen Personas into their UX roadmap.

SAP Screen Personas roadmap update July 2023

2023年7月26日 — SAP Screen Personas is a standard part of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, accessible through the Adapt UI option in the user action menu.

SAP Screen Personas roadmap update 2023 February

2023年2月9日 — SAP Screen Personas roadmap update 2023 February – focus on SAP S/4HANA · SAP Screen Personas is a strategic part of SAP's UX portfolio. · SAP ...

SAP Screen Personas

Explore the roadmap. Run SAP Screen Personas in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud System. We have introduced a new way to adapt classic applications with SAP S/4HANA ...